Clear Translations

clear-translations-logoClear Translations’ provides high-quality translation services. We are a social enterprise that guarantees excellence, while simultaneously generating a profit that will be invested in community development. Clients can trust our services uniquely because we promise that every project will be translated collaboratively by native speakers of the source and target languages.


edukid is a UK registered charity that helps children who live in poverty.
Our aim is to enable children from disadvantaged backgrounds to access education.  In Cambodia we do this through providing school packs that contain everything a child needs to attend school for one year.  We also provide some scholarships to university.  UNICEF statistics show that for every child in the developing world that receives a primary school education their life expectancy increases by an average of 7 years.
In the UK edukid run a National Schools Programme that educates children/young people on issues around poverty.  It caters for primary and secondary pupils, and can include partnering UK schools with ones abroad, as well as in country visits.  We also cater for adults who wish to personally sponsor a child’s education, and be directly responsible for effecting a child’s life.
We have a series of short films made by young people and teachers from the UK who have interviewed some of the children we support and the Cambodian staff who look after them.  They are available on our website at . You can also follow us on facebook.


shoeless_logoShoeless is an initiative that inspires ordinary people to intentionally live with fewer possessions. Aiming to raise awareness and funds, Shoeless founder and director Katie Boom gave up shoes on 1 November 2012. Katie has been barefoot ever since. She speaks widely in New Zealand about Cambodia, going barefoot, and the need for education in developing nations. The funds that Shoeless raises are used to help provide children with education through Shoeless’ partner Care For Cambodia.

Heaven’s Family

CFC has been partnering with Heaven’s family since 2012. Heaven’s Family is a Christian nonprofit organization who consider themselves family of thousands of people around the world who all believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven’s Family is made up not only of ministry staff, but also every contributor and beneficiary.